Cold Storage is Big Business Save Big on Operational Costs with Kelley

No one just wakes up and decides to build a cold storage facility. No, in fact whether a business runs cold storage or not depends solely on the product. This may sound outrageous but it truly is the type of product that defines the type of facility. Some products such as perishable items require refrigerated temperatures. Some foods are stored in strictly frozen environments. Join us as we take a look at this industry examining two of the most common ways to freeze products and finally gain some insight by picking up the best equipment designed specifically for cold storage facilities and loading dock energy efficiency.

Contact Freezing

In today’s cold storage world, two freezing types exist. The first is called ‘contact freezing’. This method involves using KelleyColdStorageFacilityrefrigerator methods over a period of time to eventually freeze the product. It is the most energy and cost efficient making it a popular option. Why is it called contact freezing? Well that is explained when you see how the product is frozen. It sits directly onto a plate; the plate is the element that is chilled to a certain degree in order to bring amount the freeze. Hence the term ‘contact’ the freezing takes place when the ‘contact’ is made. You can choose from one of tow configurations, vertical or horizontal depending on your needs.

Air Blast Freezing

Secondly, we have ‘air blast freezing’ this is also produced in two varieties. Batch-type air blast freezing and continuous air blast freezing. Batch is more economically sound because it is not continuous. It is ideal for pelleted items. This type of freezing typically takes paces in a special closed off room with a large door providing easy access for forklift traffic. Continuous air blast freezing involves a conveyor type system, generally best for unpacked goods. As the items pass along the conveyor cold air is ‘blasted’ at it continually in order to cause it to freeze. Again this type of system involves a specialized room in each facility with the only openings being for the conveyor and personnel entrance.

What type of system each facility manager chooses will depend on the product. If the product is being processed at the plant in question or is just being stored at the facility will determine which solution is best.

Kelley can help your cold storage facility stay cold!

A cold storage facility is a large investment in time and money and if I spend x amount of dollars on achieving an energy efficient cold storage facility the last thing I want is to see all that investment leak out through the loading dock. Unfortunately, this happens.

It’s hard to believe that the area that’s responsible for receiving and shipping your entire product –the very reason you have a cold storage environment in the first place- is sometimes the most overlooked. Therefore believe us when we tell you that a seal is just as critical as the dock leveler, overhead door, fork lifts, etc.

Many people don’t realize that dock seals designed especially for cold storage even exists.

So what type of Dock Seals or Shelter works best for a cold storage environment?

In cold storage environments, trailers with swing doors are common, so are cold storage doors. When swing doors are opened, they create gaps between the hinges that allow energy to escape so compressing the trailer into the dock seal closes off these gaps.

How do you close off your dock and seal in the cold air if you receive a variety of trailer heights?

Answer: V-Seal® VSH Foam Dock Seal with Head Curtain

The V-Seal design provides the insulating benefits of a dock seal and the full trailer access of a dock shelter, sealing the rear hinge gap on trailers without obstructing the doorway.  And can accommodate a variety of trailer heights, thanks to its versatile head curtain.

This seal was created with cold storage application in mind and customers that realize its benefits never look back.

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