Inflatable Dock Seals & Shelters
Kelley Inflatable Dock Seals and Shelters provide the ultimate energy seal for climate-controlled loading docks. With a wide variety of models to meet your specific needs, inflatable seals and shelters all improve environmental control and energy efficiency at the loading dock with little or no pressure on your building walls. Best of all, they can be interlocked with Kelley restraints and other Kelley dock equipment for improved efficiency and safety.
Inflatable Dock Seals & Shelters

KI310 Series Air Inflatable Rail Shelter
The KI310 air inflatable rail shelter is designed for effective sealing of a wide variety of rail loading dock applications.

KI350 Air Inflatable Dock Seal With Variable Height Head Member
Air inflatable seal designed for taller doorways and docks that serve varying vehicle heights.

KI400 Air Inflatable Dock Shelter With Peripheral Sides & Variable Height Head
Perfect for loading docks the serve vehicles with extended tailgates or hydraulic lifts.

KI450 Air Inflatable Dock Shelter With Treated Wood Frames
Rigid frame shelter alternative for serving vehicles with extended tailgates or hydraulic lifts.

Wide variety of models to meet specific needs
Insulating benefits of a dock seal, full trailer access like a dock shelter
Some models can be interlocked with other dock equipment for improved efficiency
Adjust to seal a wide variety of trailer sizes
Provides full width and height access to interior of trailer